ACCESS LS1 Project: ACCESS (A Child Care Early Support Service) Domain : High Quality Stimulation for Infants and Young ChildrenPathway: Access to high- quality early learning opportunities outside of the home 721 out of targeted 1,028 or 70% 3-5 year old children reached and accessed in an improved ECCD. Children acquire average development and accessed to quality ECD session. The 721 children have successfully accomplished the checklist and had their moving-up ceremonies. 1,748 parents have gained knowledge on several child development related topics (RA 10410, Positive Discipline, Child Rearing, Child Protection concern) hrough the series of Parent Effectiveness Session (PES) in partnership with Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. Parents participation in community activities is really evident by having an involved PTA in their SNP which supports child development activities .The parents increase their awareness on the importance of the formative years of children resulting to some increase in the SNP enrolment likewise parent`s knowledge on proper nutrition help to maintain good health of their children. Also, parents were able to reflect and understand the root causes of the attitudes of their children nowadays and be able to adapt on how they should manage in a nurturing environment the evolving behaviors and understanding the development stages of their children. In terms of SNP Accreditation, 6 sites are functional and recognized in the barangay. Barangay Officials supports the SNP Sites. One community provides honoraria in Infanta area, while the 2 sites in Real is absorbed by the MSWD which receives technical support and supplemental feeding. An IP child with his mother during ECD story telling session . ¨ Also, parents were able to reflect and understand the root causes of the attitudes of their children nowadays and be able to adapt on how they should manage in a nurturing environment the evolving behaviors and understanding the development stages of their children. ¨ In terms of SNP Accreditation, 6 sites are functional and recognized in the barangay. Barangay Officials supports the SNP Sites. One community provides honoraria in Infanta area, while the 2 sites in Real is absorbed by the MSWD which receives technical support and supplemental feeding. “I learned to study strategies to improve the behavior of children in class and to treat them equally without discrimination; learned to deal with parents more effectively” SNP Facilitator 1,215 caregivers have accessed to clean and safe water. It resulted a good impact as their children practiced proper hygiene and sanitation specially in IP area. It increases their awareness and change their behavior because it highlighted sense of ownership in having individual toothbrush and see the importance of using latrine facility. The Spring Water Development Project for IP-Community has been certified by the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP). 240 children enhanced knowledge on socialization thru CD Sessions that through recreational play the children appreciate the importance of cleanliness and proper hygiene practices like handwashing. Barangay ordinances / policies for children were promulgated and funds from BCPC, SK, BGADC were appropriated Children handwashing activity as part of their CD Session Proper Hygiene Practices. Pathway: Caregiver`s livelihood security; Decision making power for IYC caregivers 172 children from the GOLAH beneficiaries and Organic groups are regularly attending schools and eating additional protein from the eggs of chicken while 139 families completed the orientation in organic farming, this is through the help of MASIPAG which is a partner of Reina Federation . The Federation was able to reached another 104 families this year through the Gift of Love and Hope (GOLAH) Project amounting to Five Hundred Thousand (Php500,000.00) for chicken and goat dispersal. Forty-four (44) families were given goats and sixty (60) were provided with chickens. This will benefit more or less 300 children aged 0-5 years old with additional protein source aside from having additional source of income for the 104 families. Further, from the previous GOALH project on piglets and chicken implemented in the late FY18, with the policy of the Federation to secure one offspring of piglet, there were now able to reached additional 5 family beneficiary. There were also returns from chicken that were already transferred to another families.