Reina Federation Hosts Comprehensive Sexuality Education Training for Schools admin, March 22, 2024April 30, 2024 In line with its commitment to promoting gender equality, social inclusion, and the overall well-being of students, Reina Federation organized a two-day training on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) on March 20-21, 2024, in Infanta, Quezon. The training was attended by representatives from target schools, including Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDS), principals, teachers, Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) officers, and municipal councilors. The resource speaker for this invaluable training was Doc. Leomar C. Miano, Director of Extension Services and the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal of Southern Luzon State University. With her extensive expertise and deep understanding of the subject matter, Doc. Miano provided participants with a comprehensive overview of CSE and its importance in promoting gender equality and social inclusion within educational settings. During the training, participants gained insights into the fundamental principles of CSE, including age-appropriate and culturally relevant information on topics such as human rights, gender equality, relationships, sexual and reproductive health, and personal skills development. The training emphasized the significance of creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment where students feel empowered to ask questions, express themselves, and develop a healthy understanding of their identities and relationships. Discussions focused on the role of educators, administrators, and parents in fostering an environment that celebrates diversity, challenges harmful gender norms, and equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed choices about their lives and relationships. Participants actively engaged in interactive sessions, case studies, and group discussions, allowing for an exchange of experiences, best practices, and strategies for effective implementation of CSE within their respective schools and communities. Reina Federation’s commitment to promoting gender equality and social inclusion extends beyond this training. The organization recognizes the critical role education plays in shaping attitudes, challenging stereotypes, and empowering individuals to become agents of positive change. By providing schools with the necessary tools, resources, and knowledge, Reina Federation aims to ensure that every student has access to accurate and age-appropriate information, enabling them to make informed decisions and fostering a society that celebrates diversity and promotes equal opportunities for all. Related Activities and Events