CYDRRM Children and Youth-led Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Project The project is believing in the evolving capacities of children and youth to influence communities create a safe place for children during emergencies. And this year, wherein the country was affected by streaks of disasters (i.e. volcanic eruption, earthquakes and pandemic), purpose of CYDRRM became highly relevant. The federation’s accomplishments noteworthy to mention are as follows: Youth associations (22 community, 3 municipal, and 1 federation levels) successfully conduct “Climate Change cum Sports Fest” which created a venue to create awareness on negative effects of climate change. They also led in regular campaigns such as clean-up drive, nursery development and fun run to promote environment protection. Partnership with local government units resulted to sharing of funds to conduct safety skills training for grades five and six pupils, and orientations on CBDRRM, CPiE and Quality Assessment of BDRRM plans. Strong influence to LGUs reflected in passage of a resolution to distribute E-balde in Real, emergency guide and map in Infanta, and accomplishment of BDRROM plans in Gen. Nakar. The federation, thru its 6 trained CFS facilitators, were able to extend assistance to 256 children evacuees during Taal volcano eruption. Psychological modules were used to create activities that could help children “normalize” their lives while staying in evacuation centers. Lessons from the Pandemic Participation rate among youth is observed to be challenging this year. The frequent use of social media and gadgets brought a decrease in the interest of youth to participate in community activities. But when the quarantine was implemented, use of social media became helpful for the associations to communicate, carry out home-based sessions, and produce vlogs about COVID-19. These made the associations realize that changing its perspectives, by utilizing the potential of online media, can raise the interest of youth to participate in environment protection activities.