DROP Project Name: DROP DOMAIN: Children and young adolescents have literacy, numeracy and critical life skills to make healthydecisionsPATHWAY: Quality, inclusive formal and alternative basic education. This year, a total of 94 SEA Beneficiaries are supported based on their needs. The Capacitation of 108 SPG officers and 18 SPG teacher adviser from 26 Elem Schools were conducted. Capacity building activity focused on School Safety and identifying school hazards and create a strong foundation in school risk management and safety policy and risk reduction activities, after the capacity building activity SPG officers will increase awareness on safety skills and how threat can be prevented while they are in school and led there co-pupils/students on risk reduction and school mitigation measures. Capacity enhancement activities for School mandated bodies are also one of the significant output for this F/Y, Child Protection Committee (CPC) undergone the 2-day capacity building activity in cooperation with the Department of Education Division Office and Reina Federation. CPC member from the School heads and Guidance Counselors in 21 Elem. Schools and 4 Secondary schools will capacitated on Positive Discipline and able to practice the school safe learning environment, to wit the Anti-corporal punishment as well as the School Governing Counsel. After the capacity building activity school local mandated bodies will be more functional to put on child friendly mechanism for child protection advocacy against child abuse, school and cyber bullying, etc. Dropout prevention campaign through the production and formulation of IEC materials will conducted by the trained and organized SGC, CPC; Capacity enhancement training for teachers on child friendly methodology Also, another significant accomplishment this year is the establishment of new pool of 52 parent facilitator on financial literacy to strengthen their capacity on managing their own savings and providing their own needs on daily household income despite on the limited form of financial aspect, sources of income, and among others. Furthermore the trained pool of parent facilitator will do share their knowledge through the series of parent session to each parent community members on how to save money and other mechanism to respond and being resilient in any form of financial deficiency and alleviate human suffering. Lastly in DROP Program, through the three (3) Parents Association of Reina, Community Manage Savings and Credit Association (COMSCA) established 15-20 pool of vulnerable household members from Brgy Lubayat of Real Quezon, Brgy Magsaysay (sitio Cacawayan) of Infanta Quezon, and Brgy Catablingan of Gen Nakar Quezon. These three (3) identified household villages will undergone the organizational capacity building to strengthen their capacity on selfmanage and dependent association, manage their own savings, providing loans to members and offering a limited form of financial insurance and among others. Anent to this throughout the training for the new pool of parent household, the existing and successful organized CoMSCA will do share good practices and mechanism on their association.