FY 2018 TOWARDS TO A SAFE AND PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY Reina Federation reached a total of 16,907 reached children, youth, adults, partners and stakeholders based FY 2018 target participants. The increased of participants reached are came from the support of the community, parents, and stakeholders . This was due to the partnership of Reina Federation with Municipal of the of Real, Infanta and General Nakar. 47% of the reached participants came from the Community and reached through partnership wih PANTAWID particularly to those who are reached in Family Disaster Risk Reduction Plan Roll-out. 32% came from the participation of enrolled children, 20% came from the Parents, and the remaining 1% came from siblings and grants. When it comes to the enrolled children participation, 6-14 years old children comprise out of three (3) life stages, a huge portion its enrolled population, LS 2 has the highest participation rate which is at 64% due to Child Development Sessions and Reina-wide activities esp for BCYAs. It is followed by 23% from LS3 and lastly the remaining 13% came from LS1. LS1 consist the lowest no of participation since they cannot participate directly. Overall , Reina Federation reached beyond its target participants this year and it is almost double the number of reached of FY17. LS1 PROJECT: ACCESS(A Child Care Early Support Service) LS1 PROJECT:ย SAFE(Safe, Secure and Alert Families in Emergencies (SAFE) Project LS2 PROJECT: ENRICH (Enhancing Reading Through Identity and Cultural Heritage) LS2 PROJECT: DROP(Promoting Childโs Holistic and Integrated Lifelong Development) LS2 PROJECT: CARES(Childrenโs Advocacy for Resilient Environment Situation) LS3 PROJECT: YOUTH-LED(Youth Organizations United in Harmonizing Leadership, Empowerment and Development Project) CCP PROJECT: LEAD-StRONGParents Associations Resourcesโ Empowerment and Networking Towards Sustainability (PARENTS) Project