YOUTH-LED LS 3 Project: YOUTH LED (Youth Organization United Towards Harmonizing Leadership, Empowerment and Development ) DOMAIN : Civic Engagement and LeadershipPathway: Youth -Inclusive Environment YOUTH – LED activities led to increase awareness and “changed mindset”. This is evidently shown that the children and youth are now aware of the importance of disaster mitigation including participating in disaster risk activities. A massive clean up drive campaign of youth during their regular Youth Development Session in partnership with their respective barangay. 785 youth (369) males and (416) females participated in the continuous environmental activities such conduct of a massive clean- up drive with related concepts on disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation. It was facilitated by the Barangay Youth Associations. They also strengthened the implementation of existing policies like solid waste management. It provided awareness and empowerment and the right to participate by making community resilience from the impact of disaster. KAKAMPI Youth Association has been recognized by the Municipality of Infanta and is now a certified member of MDRRMC. Youth associations advocate and lobby plans to the MDRRMC on DRR which resulted from their active involvement in the project. 32 (22 females 10 males) CCS facilitators are active and prepositioned in the field. They are trained on psychosocial interventions and response. The facilitators continued to develop and strengthen their facilitation skills while increase their substantive technical and other psycho-social support as required by their fellow children/youth, parents, families and their respective communities. 4,000 children & youth participated in the Youth Development Session where the topics focused on Disaster Drills. Awareness on preserving and protecting the environment was given an importance also. This has been facilitated by the YDRR and CCS Facilitators. The activity is in Partnership with Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. “I realized how YDRR would be able to influence other youth and children especially LGUs who played a big role in the DRRM advocacy” -Clarience Seventy one (71) youth leaders and members were trained on CPiE with focus on understanding its importance and guidelines including relevant laws and issuances related to DRRM and CCA including reviews on the NCCAP, CERPA and the municipal and barangay plans. Youth leaders and their parents during orientation on Gabay ng Mapa sa Listong Pamilyang Pilipino. The significant changes in the lives of the youth that can be attributed to the YOUTH-LED DRR project included as follows: although not 100% the youth understand (with some has deepened understanding) what is happening around them; high level of awareness among children and the youth themselves about the potential disasters as they are able to identify risks or hazards when they hear early warning bells and would then know where to go; raised alertness and preparedness to disasters referring to their Gabay at Mapa sa Listong Pamilyang Pilipino; changes in the attitude of children having the knowledge on what to do whenever a disaster strikes and therefore not panic; facilitation skills that are developed among YDRR and CCS facilitators as they continue with the DRR-related topics and in providing the necessary spaces to youth and other members of the community . Pathway : Collective Youth Action 93 interest group members are continuously advocating and participating in DRR and DRM activities. PINTA group is making their way as their arts product is being recognized not only in the municipality of Real, Infanta and General Nakar but in ChildFund community as well. PINTA was able to generate income amounting to Php.24,040.00. In small way, youth are having small income and used in support their education and at the same time, an awareness that the advocacy is built in their art works. There are 32 members of PINTA ( 15 females,17 males). The PINTA members with their DAGHIP masterpiece Likewise Radio broadcasting is an effective means of raising awareness of people. The 15 Kabataang Patrollers find this means of information dissemination more meaningful as it reaches hundred and thousands of people within the reach of the network.